70s invasion ; Rare 70s ; HARLEQUIN, GLYDER, and.........RUBY

HARLEQUIN lp cover

this band are reviewed on a page at the bottom of our page 21 links, not sure which page check it out, they had some decent attempts at pop-rock in the early - mid 70s, not sure who the whores on the cover are....

GLYDER lp ' 76

u are probably thinking who is this band, and why ? well according to the Nme or some magazine in the mid 70s this mid 70s band was putting out some decent glam-pop around this time, never heard them though, we put them here for curiousity value....

3 And Jesus said, Truth is the only thing that changes not.

4 In all the world there are two things; the one is truth; the other falsehood is; and truth is that which is, and falsehood that which seems to be.

5 Now truth is aught, and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything.

6 Falsehood is naught, and yet it is the manifest of aught.

7 Whatever has been made will be unmade; that which begins must end.

8 All things that can be seen by human eyes are manifests of aught, are naught, and so must pass away.

9 The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear.

10 The Holy Breath is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it cannot change nor pass away.

to see more on this subject of Christ and Krsna, see Prtha's site at this link ~



not sure how this one sounds, it came out somewhere around '78 and one viewer says it leads towards a glam rock sound....